Wednesday, February 1, 2012

No Spend February

I always have a list of about twenty or so projects that I want to do at any given time. So when I'm out and about, I buy supplies for all the projects in my head...and then I put (cram) all the supplies into my craft closet and forget about them (because I have about twelve other projects going at that time). 
I really need to finish all the things that I started. Plus it will make organizing my craft closet for the Less Mess Project so much easier (I'm soooo close to being done with the pantry!)
So I am proposing No Spend February. I will not spend a single dime on new supplies or projects and work on finishing all the ones I already have all the stuff for. I'm pretty sure the blog will not suffer because of it...I could probably even do two months. 
Does anyone else have this problem? Feel free to join me in saving money and catching up on the to do list!

And since I can't have a blog post without a picture, here is a sneak peak of something that the husband has been working on...

Linked to:
Serenity Now, Five Days 5 Ways


  1. What a great idea!! I had a very frivolous January! lol. I can' t wait to see the outcome of this project! :) Happy February!... I may try your challenge as well!

    1. My frivolous January is what sparked this post :) I think it was because of the new year and I was all motivated to get stuff DONE!

  2. OMG!!! Have the SAME problem. And every time I say this same thing. Keep posting about this and maybe I will actually stick to it!

  3. I have been in a "save" mode since January 1st and its going pretty good.....cant wait to see the finish product of the table !!
    Have a great day,
    Karen in Texas

  4. Please post a full tutorial on this table, I have been needing a new table and wanted to build one just like this. So please give us ALL the details.

    1. I am going to do a post on the table when it's finished, but it won't be a tutorial. I'll do you one better is the link to the tutorial that we used...

  5. That's a good idea! I definitely need to finish projects that I already have in the works before starting new ones!

  6. I just finished with No Budget Decor January,
    I had a blast finding projects to do with what I already had here on hand! Enjoy and good luck this month! Look forward to seeing what you come up with.
    dee dee

  7. I also could go months without buying a thing and still have lots of projects to share.

  8. I want to make this table so bad! I am waiting to buy a house though because I think I might get a few complaints if I start building it in the apartment ;)

    I am now following via LF from the hop...hope you get a chance to stop by My Road to Savings!

  9. I just found your blog. I joined because THAT'S ME as well! So many items and not getting the projects all done! Thanks. Looking forward to more inspiration!!
