Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Littlest Garage

I'm back! Sorry about the long break, there just hasn't been a lot of project completing going on around here lately. And no, it's not because I had the baby, though I'm sure that's going to happen very soon with all the contractions I've been having! Anyway, I do have a small one for you today....well small as in really simple, but huge in the it's-so-nice-to-have-it-done department. 
As I've mentioned before, we don't have a garage. Which is really a bummer for a DIY family. We do have a small shed that holds our big tools, ice chests, scrap wood and paint. Yes, more paint than your about to see.  
Because of our garage-less state, our front entryway closet has become our garage. Yes, as in our coat closet...this is south Texas though, so we don't need coats. Here two pictures of what it has looked like since we moved in (so about a year).

Every time we needed something (so like three times a day) we had to dig through that (very heavy) pile of stuff on the floor. Finally the husband had enough and decided to make some shelves. With some leftover plywood and paint he made these babies. Ahhh, feels so nice to have things up off the floor.

Yes, that's a lot of paint. I have a least that much out in the shed as well. My husband says I have a problem....I say that I've basically remodeled a pink house for the price of  some paint. Sounds like the opposite of a problem to me  : )

I know a lot of y'all are probably wondering about the's at a standstill for the moment. I'm to pregnant to do the work myself, and the husband has this big fifty page portfolio due next week for school. Plus the kitchen is completely functional at this point, which always slows things down. As soon as the the baby is born and his portfolio is all turned in we'll get right back to it, promise!

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